Sugar Ant


How to exterminate them

The key to exterminating ants is to kill the entire colony. If you just spray the ants you see, more ants will continue to reappear in search for a source of water and food that they can bring back to share with the queen and other ants in the colony. Combat® products provide the source kill you need and are a guaranteed solution! Use Combat® Source Kill Max Ant Baits in common areas where you see ants and Combat® Ant Killing Gel in cracks and crevices or places where ants might enter the home. Click here to learn more about how Combat® works to kill at the source.

Habits and Habitats

Sugar ants are commonly found in suburban areas, forests and woodlands. They prefer warm and humid climates and become more active during summer.

What Do Sugar Ants Look Like?

Sugar ants are small to medium sized – ranging from 2 - 15mm (1/10” – 6/10” in length). They have orange-black bodies, and black heads and mandibles. Winged male sugar ants are completely black, while female workers have orange-colored bodies.

Where Do Sugar Ants Nest?

They are nesters, forming nests behind walls, holes in wood, between rocks or in the soil. Sugar ants are primarily nocturnal, but some species can be seen during the day.

What they eat

Sugar ants get their name because they collect sugary nectar, plant secretions and honeydew sap from sap-feeding insects.

Steps to prevent

Sugar ants are most prevalent in Spring and Summer but be sure to take countermeasures throughout the year to prevent them from entering your home. Wipe up sugary messes—Sugar ants feed on all kinds of sugar and sugar-filled products (honey, jam, cake, candy, fruit, and soft drinks). Be sure to remove these items from your kitchen and wipe up any residue they leave behind. Look for damp areas—Sugar ants are attracted to dark and damp environments like bathrooms, garbage disposals, and kitchen sinks. Wipe away excess water with a dry towel. Repair plumbing leaks to prevent ants from forming a nest in these areas. Routinely clean your sink—Thoroughly rinse dirty dishes and drain the sink of any standing water. Make sure you haven’t left any residual food or moisture behind.

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